
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Senshin Junmai Dai Ginjyo

Keeping the philosophy "Sake making starts with rice making", Junmai Dai Ginjo "Senshin" utilizes the rare Takanenishiki rice by commissioning local rice growers. Individual rice granules are gently polished for 3 days and nights until 2mm pearly beads, 28% of the original remain. The quiet aging takes over a year.

A masterpiece of Asahi Shuzo, the maker of Kubota Manjyu.
這罐比較像久保田, 香味十足而且酒味比較重,但是絕對不會嗆.

Dassai Junmai Dai Ginjyo

Using the best ingredients, with old-fashioned experience, and cutting edge technology, the brewery staff go to extremes to create this pinnacle of refined elegance. Polished to an unprecedented and highly difficult 23% polish ratio, Dassai Junmai Dai Ginjyo offers a delicate fruity aroma and a refined flavor.
Gold medal recipient at 2002 Mon de Selection.
喝入口沒冰時酒味比較重, 冰後非常順口. 香但是沒有萬壽中但是酒味也輕多了.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

美食in NYC

NY必買之Cheese Cake
New York有兩間最有名的百年老店Cheese Cake, VENIERO’S就是其中一間. 這間位於E. 11th St.上另一間則是在Brooklyn. 當然東村交通比要方便也比較近. 所以就成為Brian這兩次去NYC必備回來的伴手禮了.
有來到NY又是Cheese Cake愛好者, 一定要嘗試而且價錢不貴. 當然如果面子夠大或是有人願意帶給妳吃也是更好啦...
地址: 342 East 11th Street, New York, NY 10003
電話: 212-674-7070
Web: venierospastry.com

Fries有啥賣點, 在東村附近的一間專賣Fries的店就很讚...他來自Belgian. 而且w/ 各種Sauces.像是Mango, Pineapple, Roasted Garlic, Irish Curry...十幾種...這次Brian終於去嘗試...光吃Fries也好吃, Regular 4.00, Large 6.25, Double 7.5, 價錢還算OK. 但是千萬別被前面一家有大薯條在門口的騙了, 他是在後面的那一間.
地址: 123 2nd Ave. New York, NY, 10003
電話: 212-674-1234
Web: www.pommesfrites.ws